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Torres de Serranos


Torres de Serranos

Until the middle of the 19th century, Valencia had city walls. Only two of the walls remain: the heavy Torres de Quart and the more elegant Torres de Serranos. The Torres de Serranos form the largest Gothic city gate in Europe, built at the end of the 14th century by Pere Balaguer. If you're interested in historical sights, this city gate is more than worthy of a visit.

Until 1887 these towers on the north side of the centre were used as a prison for the nobility, similar to the Tower of London. At the back you can climb these Gothic towers and get a good impression of the massive architecture. For safety reasons, you can't climb the towers in rainy weather.

Good to know

Website: Torres de Serranos
Address: Plaza de los Fueros

Consult the Torres de Serranos website for up-to-date price information and opening hours.